We plant multi-ethnic churches that do community development in the urban core.
“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.” Ephesians 2:14-16

New Humanity is inviting you to partner with us to plant new multi-ethnic churches that do urban community development in the city centers of the United States.
The sin of racism has wreaked havoc in our country. New Humanity is a gospel-driven, church-centered, intentional effort to restore what racism has broken. We denounce the dehumanization of People of Color. We affirm the strength, dignity, value, and beauty of the Black community, Latinx community, and other Communities of Color in the United States. The corporate sin of racism has created tangible inequities among racial groups. This includes economic inequity, as well as perceived value to society. Reconciling racism means celebrating what each racial group brings to the Church and to America while bringing biblical justice and equity to the economic gaps created by centuries of racist policies. It is discipleship that no racial group is superior and none is inferior, but that we are all created in God’s beautiful image.
The sin of racism has wreaked havoc in our country. New Humanity is a gospel-driven, church-centered, intentional effort to restore what racism has broken. We denounce the dehumanization of People of Color. We affirm the strength, dignity, value, and beauty of the Black community, Latinx community, and other Communities of Color in the United States. The corporate sin of racism has created tangible inequities among racial groups. This includes economic inequity, as well as perceived value to society. Reconciling racism means celebrating what each racial group brings to the Church and to America while bringing biblical justice and equity to the economic gaps created by centuries of racist policies. It is discipleship that no racial group is superior and none is inferior, but that we are all created in God’s beautiful image.
We believe the United States uniquely needs more multi-ethnic churches. It’s difficult for an established church to become multi-ethnic, but it is possible to plant new multi-ethnic churches that have multi-ethnicity built into their DNA from Day 1.

Urban community development identifies the beautiful assets already in a community, working together to bolster those assets with access to opportunities that racism took away.
What is unique about New Humanity is that the backbone of our community development is the power of a local multi-ethnic church. In a multi-ethnic church, people from different backgrounds are bringing their strengths and assets to the table, helping one another grow, experiencing the diverse image of God in one another. There is a God-powered support system within the DNA of a local church that sets New Humanity’s community development efforts apart.
New Humanity is the financial engine for large-scale community development initiatives like purchasing homes or financing new businesses, while the multi-ethnic church plant is the localized, relational glue.
We are inviting you to consider sponsoring all or part of the flywheel seed money for one church plant. This is a $130,000/year investment over three years, which we call “The Flywheel Fund.”
This 3-year investment will produce one sustainable church plant in an urban core city that has produced multiple community development projects, all of which are feeding back into the flywheel for future investments in that community.
What is unique about New Humanity is that the backbone of our community development is the power of a local multi-ethnic church. In a multi-ethnic church, people from different backgrounds are bringing their strengths and assets to the table, helping one another grow, experiencing the diverse image of God in one another. There is a God-powered support system within the DNA of a local church that sets New Humanity’s community development efforts apart.
New Humanity is the financial engine for large-scale community development initiatives like purchasing homes or financing new businesses, while the multi-ethnic church plant is the localized, relational glue.
We are inviting you to consider sponsoring all or part of the flywheel seed money for one church plant. This is a $130,000/year investment over three years, which we call “The Flywheel Fund.”
This 3-year investment will produce one sustainable church plant in an urban core city that has produced multiple community development projects, all of which are feeding back into the flywheel for future investments in that community.